Monday, February 6, 2012

Uninteresting Ramblings

Today, I am sick. The nasty, gross, feels-like-my-head's-filled-with-cement kind of sick where I'm sneezing and coughing, my nose is running like crazy, and my face hurts because my sinuses are so stuffed up. Plus I can't breathe, so it's hard to sleep. YAY!!! Apparently, the person who gave it to the people who gave it to me (*cough* AMANDA AND LUCAS! *cough*) said she had this stupid cold for 2 weeks. And THAT means I'll be sick when Alex gets home! MORE YAY! So what should be a joyful reunion will more likely be exhausting, uncomfortable, and probably end up with BOTH of us sick and nasty. Because if I'm sick when he gets here, I REALLY don't think I'm going to be able to keep enough distance to keep him from getting it too. : / Gross.

Not so bad if I do say so myself. : )
Baby streaker! Kind of. : P
But the good news is that I'm off work for the next few days. : ) I spent the night over at Amanda's with her and Lucas last night... that was pretty awesome. We spent last week painting her upstairs guest room over the garage (rehabilitating it after the last person to stay in that room nearly RUINED it with the worst paint job I've EVER seen), so I got to sleep in my own newly-painted guest quarters. It was pretty gratifying, using to space we worked so hard to polish. And of course it was nice not to be alone. Amanda is definitely my number one girl friend when Alex is gone... she and Lucas pretty much keep me sane when I have nothing to do and no one to talk to. Plus we get stuff done together! Today she helped me get Alex's car checked out because it was making a funny noise, and also get my own car cleaned and shampooed. She got her car cleaned up, and in the whole mix we had a great sushi lunch! Allover, it was a productive day, even though all three of us were stuffy and sniffly and gross. : P

Bath night with two of my favorite people! I LOVE this pic. : D

Honestly, I don't really have anything interesting to say tonight. But I'm at home with just the cat, and even though she's talking enough for the both of us what with her nagging about me leaving her alone too much, I'm feeling the silence. So you guys get to hear what's up in Lizland. I'm sick, but ready for Alex to get home and excited about my time off of work. My life is so interesting and exciting, huh? Tomorrow's going to be just as interesting: I'll be picking up my car from the shop where it's getting brake work done, and then maybe some shopping. Or maybe cleaning. I haven't decided. Lemme tell you, I'm livin' it up here in Virginia Beach!


  1. I am SO GLAD that you are writing again! Plain and simple. I miss your musings. <3
